Prince Edward Island
The Workers Compensation Board (WCB) of PEI is an independent, non-profit organization funded entirely by Island employers, providing no-fault workplace injury and illness insurance, and promoting workplace health and safety for all Islanders.
The WCB of PEI works to protect Islanders by overseeing the implementation and application of legislation including:
- Workers Compensation Act and associated regulations.
- Occupational Health and Safety Act and associated regulations (including the WHMIS Regulations).
- The WCB also has a role in enforcing the Smoke-Free Places Act and associated regulations, and the Youth Employment Act.
What is the role re: WHMIS?
The WCB enforces the provincial WHMIS Regulations for PEI workplaces. WCB also has an agreement with Health Canada to enforce the federal Hazardous Products Act and associated regulations. We support the Internal Responsibility System around WHMIS by:
- Helping establish and clarify the safety rights and responsibilities in all workplaces.
- Educating workers and employers in the significance of applying WHMIS principles
- Intervening when safety responsibilities are not carried out.
WHMIS Status
Current WHMIS Requirements
Occupational Health and Safety Act of PEI
Workplace Hazardous Materials and Information System Regulations
Effective July 29, 2017, the Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System Regulations have been amended to align with the amended Hazardous Product Act (HPA) and Hazardous Products Regulations (HPR), which incorporate the GHS.
Transition Guide for Employers on WHMIS 2015
Stay tuned by joining our OHS Education Consultant's email list, which periodically sends out updates to new and current educational topics from our organization. You can join the list by emailing Jonathan Andrews at jandrews@wcb.pe.ca (note, this list is not restricted to WHMIS updates but rather general educational updates within the OHS division of the WCB of PEI).