Newfoundland and Labrador
In Newfoundland and Labrador (NL) WorkplaceNL is responsible for the communication, education and awareness requirements of WHMIS. The Prevention Services Department is available to assist employers and workers in understanding their roles and responsibilities for WHMIS and to assist in the development of WHMIS programs.
Service NL, OHS Division is the provincial government department responsible for enforcing the provincial WHMIS Regulations along with the OHS Act and Regulations. The WHMIS Regulations outline the legislative requirements for proper labeling, SDS (formerly MSDSs) and education and training. They also outline employer responsibilities.
The current regulations have been in force since 1996. Provincial OHS inspectors also support the enforcement of federal WHMIS requirements from the Hazardous Product Act and Hazardous Product Regulations.
WHMIS Status
As part of the Prevention Workshop Series, WorkplaceNL will offer a free webinar on WHMIS 2015 requirements in 2019.
For more information please visit our website: http://www.workplacenl.ca