

Alberta Labour is responsible to enforce the Alberta Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act, Regulation and Code and has an agreement (MOU) with Health Canada to enforce the federal Hazardous Products Act and associated regulations.

Activities related to WHMIS include technical support for stakeholders, interpretations of the legislation as well as enforcement activities (provincial and federal requirements, as appropriate). These activities are shared by the OHS Policy and Program Development Branch and the OHS Delivery Branch with support from Health Canada and the OHS Contact Centre.

WHMIS Status

Current WHMIS Requirements

Occupational Health and Safety Act

Occupational Health and Safety Regulation

Occupational Health and Safety Code

Status of the new WHMIS Requirements

Changes to WHMIS requirements in the OHS Code to reflect WHMIS 2015 came into force on June 1, 2018.


WHMIS 2015 Information for Employers

WHMIS 2015 Information for Workers

E-news: Stakeholders may also subscribe to the Occupational Health and Safety e-news to get information emailed directly to them on what is new.
